Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 3 – Reflection

It is all starting to make more sense this week FINALLY!!! The previous two weeks focused on the Web 2.0 tools Wikis and Blogs. Participating in the Learning Theory and Mobile Phone Wiki’s has made me come to realise just how effective the use of Wikis in the classroom could be. The type of learning that I was use to when I was back at school was the teaching giving and reciting information and not having to think for myself but these tasks required me to use my higher order thinking skills giving me a more comprehensive understanding on the topics. I have also enjoyed working on my blog and being able to monitor what I have done and reflect on what I have learnt. There are many options on ways a Blog and Wiki could be used as an effective teaching tool in the classroom but I think one of the most important roles of these tools is the opportunity for group collaboration and reflection. Being able to get students to engage, discover, synthesise, explain, hypothesise, interpret and come to a conclusion are important attributes that students should obtain through their schooling to be able to perform well not only academically but in the big wide world. The importance of the using ICTs in education has become a lot clearer and there roles in creating learners with more diverse learning experiences is essential in today’s society. The effects of globalisation on education bring rapid developments in technology and communications are foreseeing changes within learning systems across the world as ideas, values and knowledge, changing the roles of students and teachers, and producing a shift in society from industrialisation towards an information-based society. (Chinnammai, S., 2005)The rise of a global society, driven by technology and communication developments are shaping children, the future citizens of the world into ‘global citizens’, intelligent people with a broad range of skills and knowledge to apply to a competitive, information based society. (Chinnammai, S., 2005)

What is a Blog? A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. (Source:



What is a Wiki? A wiki is a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used collaboratively by multiple users. (Source: 




My main focus this week however was on a new tool called a Weebly which is a Website. Our Task this week was to create a website similar to how it would look if we used it in the classroom. Head on over to Whitney's eLearning Website and check out the website I created. This is a very basic layout of how I would want my website to look but due to limited amount of time this is all that I was able to come up with. I have found this digital tool fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed working my way around the site and finding out what different options were available. The opportunities are endless. This could easily be set up as an individual or group learning site where students are able to access it during a designated class time or at home and are able to work through the activities at their own pace. It could be used for homework activities, assessments, assignments etc. as they can easily be submitted online. It also has the option of adding a blog where students are able to reflect, add information or ask questions. I have set it up as a website where students are able to gain more information on topics they are learning in their science class and have put weekly homework activities on there for them to complete. I think the use of a Voki would also be a good tool to add to this site informing students on what is required for that week and encouraging them to complete the activities. 




In conclusion, this week I have learnt the differences and similarities of wikis, blogs and websites and the different learning opportunities they can provide students in the classroom. ICTs play a vital role in today’s society and are forever expanding hence the reason why technology in education is highly important in ensuring our students are ready to take on our forever changing global society. Teachers need to embrace technology because ICT can support the knowledge, development, and anytime, anywhere collaborative learning. (Competency Standard Modules, 2008) Due to the flexibility of technology it is easy to support every learners interests, needs and learning outcomes and it gives students the opportunity to help teach and support each other in ways they had previously not been able to do. I look forward on continuing to learn about new ICTs that I have not previously had the chance to use throughout the rest of this semester and learning how these can be used in the classroom as an effective teaching tool. 



 Chinnammai, S. (2005) Effects of Globalisation on Education and Culture. ICDE International Conference.India, New Delhi

UNESCO (2008) Competency Standard Modules. Fonteroy: Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation


- It provides information to students which they are able to refer back to easily without having to dig through books to find it
- It is easy to use and reliable
- Able to be created how you want providing a more personal feel to it
- Provides the opportunity for students and teachers to reflect and add own ideas
- Only the author of the website can edit it
- Allows the opportunity for collaborative learning
- Website is automatically updated when something is added
- Able to add images, video, data etc. easily
- Able to add up to 40 different student accounts so that students can participate in activities and the blog without needing an e-mail address
- Able to add an assignment form where students are able to upload therir assignments
- More visually exciting to students
- Password protection available
- Easy to create links between pages

- Few layouts to choose from
- If wanting to upgrade security settings, add sound or own the domain etc you must pay for membership
- Must ensure all learning styles are catered for to ensure maximum participation and engagement from students
- Less chance for interaction
- Risk of harassment and cyber bullying in blogs

- Great starting point for students to start researching or for subject pacific material
- Can embed Youtube videos, google maps etc
- Gives the opportunity for parents to see what their child is learning
- Can be used at home and in class
- Students who are unwell can keep up with their work

- Not being to access internet
- Losing work if not saved properly
- Costs involved with membership to ensure privacy setting are high to protect students


PLUS –            
·          -  It is free, easy to create and use
·         - They are a great reflective tool where you are able to bring together your thoughts on different topics or ideas
·        - It can be used as a collaborative tool to gather research notes and share ideas with other class members or teacher
·         - You are able to provide links to different websites etc. that other students can also use
·         - It gives parents access so they are able to keep up to date with what their child may be learning at school
·         - Students are able to access them in and out of school
·         - Teachers are able to monitor students’ progress and offer ideas (using comment option) to students about other avenues they might be able to explore and provide positive encouragement making it a good motivating tool
·         - Only the students who created the blog is able to edit the blog
·         - It is great for students who are too shy to contribute in class to add ideas
·        -  Great tool for teachers to post educational links to that can enhance their own learning with digital tools. For example: ( I also found a great blog written by a teacher that provides useful information and tools for other teachers to use  as an example of how they can be used
·        -  It can enhance students reading, writing and computer skills

·        -  Can be difficult for some students to use
·        -  Internet access is always needed to be able to access it which is not always possible
·         - Blogs are not confidential and everyone is able to access them worldwide which could result in anyone posting comments that may not be appropriate
·         - Cyber bullying and  Harassment could become a problem and needs to be monitored with strict guidelines
·         - One author only which is a plus, as stated previously, but can also be a hindrance when trying to collaborate effectively with other students
·        -  Images, videos and information can be inserted without the knowledge of the owner which can result in plagiarism. Legal, safe and ethical guidelines should be discussed with students to ensure they are using material correctly this may however be problematic for younger children to comprehend and understand.
·         - Limited options in how the blog can be set out

Blogs can be used for a variety of things and can provide lots of possibilities in a learning environment
- Can provide the opportunity to link with other schools around the world
- Teachers are able to witness the different learning journeys of each student
- Can be used to help to promote effective pedagogical practices such as higher order thinking, student direction, substantive conversation and social support


·          - It’s a free database and easy to use
·        -  Can have more than one author therefore allowing a whole class to participate and add to the discussion and its content
·        -  Images, videos and links etc. can be added by anyone to allow further reading materials for students to look at
·         - Information can be shared worldwide
·        -  Able to manage security settings that only allow members of the wiki to post to it
·        -  Allows teachers to track  the participation of students
·        -  Available to use both at school and home
·         - It’s a great way for students to work together and collaborate on group assignments or group tasks without having face to face meetings
·         - Enhances students reading, writing and computer skills
·         - It supports the Constructivism learning theory and provides higher order thinking skills
·         - Able to create new pages for new discussion, ideas or tasks
·         - Students are able to reflect on each other’s learning

·         - Only one person can be editing the page at one time
·        -  Editing requires some practice because if you don’t save you can lose information
·         - Anyone can add and delete information
·         - The accuracy information posted being legit cannot always be assumed
·        -  Images, videos and information can be inserted without the knowledge of the owner which can result in plagiarism. Legal, safe and ethical guidelines should be discussed with students to ensure they are using material correctly
·         - Not suitable for younger students
·         - Difficult to monitor correct editing

·         - Offers the opportunity to collaborate with students from other schools
·         - Teachers are also able to learn from students postings
·         - Teachers are able to upload activities for students to complete online
·         - Great tool to use when using scaffolds such as PMI, SWOT and de Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats etc. as it’s a way for all students to be able to contribute
·         - Great for teacher collaboration

·         - Anyone is able to change or edit content unless proper security settings are put into place
·          - Information available to students on the web needs to be monitored to ensure students aren’t exposed to sexually explicit, offensive or dangerous materials
·         - Etiquette of discussions need to be addressed
·         - Risk of harassment, cyber bullying and stranger danger